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Tips For Reducing Your Acne

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If you're suffering from pimples and unsightly blackheads, the following information is for you. Acne is a common problem for people of all ages, but you can control it and have skin that glows.

Think about what you put in your mouth. Unhealthy foods weigh your system down, and lower your defenses against many things, acne included. You should make sure to eat a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and veggies. Target lean cuts of protein if you eat meat. Also limit, or eliminate, sugar from your diet. With a proper diet, your body has all it needs to function effectively.

It is essential to remain hydrated at all times. Soda may leave you feeling less thirsty in the short term, but it actually has dehydrating effects. A better alternative is drinking plenty of water. If you're sick of drinking water, you could try getting a juicer and making your own healthy juice drinks. This is extremely healthy, and will be beneficial to your skin.

A nutritional supplement you may wish to consider is maca. If you use maca, you will be able to establish a balanced diet without any side effects. For optimal results, start off with a smaller dosage than prescribed, taken as indicated on the package's instructions.

While chemicals and abrasive materials may seem like they're helping, be sure to avoid them. These chemicals damage your skin by drying it out. Find a gentle facial cleanser that has natural ingredients like tea tree oil.

You can enjoy a better complexion and fight acne flare-ups naturally using garlic. Crush several garlic cloves with a garlic press. Put the garlic on the affected areas, and be careful not to get the garlic into your eyes. The garlic will attack the bacteria and keep the infection under control, but it can irritate a sore that is open. The garlic should remain on your skin for several minutes. After that, you can remove it by gently rinsing and drying the skin.

Shrink enlarged pores by applying a green clay-based facial mask. The clay will absorb oils and leave your skin feeling fresh and just slightly tight. After removing your mask, use clear water to rinse. Then pat your skin dry. Witch hazel can be used as an effective astringent to remove any remaining clay and help soften your skin.

Stress can have a huge impact on your skin. High levels of stress interrupt the body's normal systems, and thus make it increasingly difficult for your skin to fight off infection. If increased stress causes you to have an increase in breakouts, you may have to consider reducing the amount of stress in your life, or even your reaction to stress-induced situations.

Use this article to make your skin look better. Remember to cleanse your face daily, and apply garlic treatments and a mask weekly, to see your new healthy skin. Keep in mind that staying consistent is very important.

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